Overnight trains across the country travel through stretches of land that give voyeur-esque passage through the lights of distant homes, cars, and fires who are echoed in the sky by the few stars that come out.
Isolation can alter how we perceive our environment. Our minds fill in the negative space and create a fragile surreality that can be broken by a flash of light or any familiar, steady presence.
While the original Dreamscapes aimed to capture the the unreal environment of the midnight sun in the Arctic Circle, the aim of this set is to capture the negative space of rural America to find new unique shapes and patterns with the available light.
Also, these just look kind of cool.
facing Hook Mountain State Park, NY
Starvation Peak
New York
near Tampas, CO
New Mexico
near Jones Point, NY
near Thatcher, CO
near Bagdad, CA
Model, CO
near Lamy, NM
near Edgerton, OH
near Las Vegas, NM
Hudson River
near Waldo, NM