
Echo Park Rising 2019 by a zugunruhe

Miss Jupiter at Spacedust

Miss Jupiter at Spacedust

Echo Park Rising 2019 was like a small SXSW with no blatant corporate sponsoring or open bars. The line up was diverse, ranging from Thrash in a barbershop to Soundclound rappers doing acoustic sets on a patio. The majority of the party stretched along a mile of Sunset Boulevard and came out strong for four days straight.

Fiends at Short Stop

Fiends at Short Stop

Lil Bo Weep at The Echo Patio

Lil Bo Weep at The Echo Patio

Juiceboxxx at Taix

Juiceboxxx at Taix

Rafael Vigilantics at The Echo Patio

Rafael Vigilantics at The Echo Patio

Veronica Bianqui at Taix

Veronica Bianqui at Taix

Tanukichan at The Echo

Tanukichan at The Echo

The Birth Defects at American Barbershop

The Birth Defects at American Barbershop

Stuntdriver at Little Joy

Stuntdriver at Little Joy

The Manx at American Barbershop

The Manx at American Barbershop

The Bank Of America at The Echo

The Bank Of America at The Echo

Mean Heat at American Barbershop

Mean Heat at American Barbershop

Assquatch at Little Joy

Assquatch at Little Joy

Kills Birds at Echoplex

Kills Birds at Echoplex

Egrets on Ergot at Echoplex

Egrets on Ergot at Echoplex

Juiceboxxx at Taix

Juiceboxxx at Taix

TwoLips at Little Joy

TwoLips at Little Joy

Pedal Strike at Short Stop

Pedal Strike at Short Stop

James Steinle at The Echo Patio

James Steinle at The Echo Patio

Fucked Forever at American Barbershop

Fucked Forever at American Barbershop

Veneer at Little Joy

Veneer at Little Joy

Miss Jupiter at Spacedust

Miss Jupiter at Spacedust

The Pantones at Echoplex

The Pantones at Echoplex

Egrets on Ergot at Echoplex

Egrets on Ergot at Echoplex

TwoLips dancer at Little Joy

TwoLips dancer at Little Joy

Juiceboxxx at Taix

Juiceboxxx at Taix

Alaska Lynch at Echo Park

Alaska Lynch at Echo Park

Cosmonauts at Echoplex

Cosmonauts at Echoplex

Slutist's Legacy of the Witch 2 by a zugunruhe

Slutist's second Legacy of the Witch festival was held Saturday night at Saint Vitus in Greenpoint. The night was filled with Tarot readings, burlesque, and a raffle for a dildo made of crystal.

The theme of this sex positive, feminist event was to reclaim the word witch as a positive and, in the words of Slutist founder Kristen Korvette, "to prove there's more to the term witch than a few Stevie Nicks costumes."

The night featured exciting, cathartic, and blood shedding performances by many lovely ladies and capped by bands Void Vision, Sabbath Assembly, and Wax Idols. The latter fronted by Hether Fortune, whose domineering stage presence brought out the likes of Nick Zinner.

Wax Idols

Saul Williams, Rough Trade NYC by a zugunruhe

On Friday, January 29th Saul Williams released MartyrLoserKing, his first studio release since 2011's Volcanic Sunlight. In support of this album, he announced a long string of dates in Europe. The first date (and one of two stateside) was a free show at Rough Trade NYC in Williamsburg on Tuesday the 2nd.

All songs performed in the short set were pulled from MLK and things got hype when CX Kidtronik jumped down to help perform No Different.