Raw Pete [San Francisco/El Paso - March 2015] by a zugunruhe

Paydirt Pete fondly remembers the time he spent in San Francisco with strangers

The Trip

For spring break of 2015, I went to San Francisco with one of my organizations, REDA (Regional Economic Development Association), in order to tour a few start-ups, law firms, and incubators in the Bay Area. We met with UTEP alumni that gave us an overview of how things operated in the region and gain valuable insight in to how companies come into and maintain existence.

One, Knotch, is totally worth your time: 



Also, I climbed a few hills.





0:09 - Pete awakeNs



1:32 - Batman transition



2:45 - Pete is frightened by his doppelgänger! A Re-Pete if you will



The Video

In what kind of became my Chinese Democracy, this project took nearly two months to complete. Swamped with various academic responsibilities and trying to tackle concepts that I had previously not touched in other videos, I felt the need to take my time with this one.

Featured as the voice of ol' Paydirt pete is my friend David Morrison. I reached out to him for a voiceover as my attempts came off as a marriage of a terrible Birdman impression and a monotone Clint Eastwood. As an El Paso native and an incredibly talented musician and vocalist, I felt that he would be perfect. He did a fantastic job bringing a little life to the character and it is worth your time to check out his work: http://davidmorrison.bandcamp.com/

I had a lot of fun transforming ol' Paydirt Pete into and old man and shopping dollar stores for various doll accessories to use in the video. Unfortunately only the Little Princess tea set from Dollar Tree made the cut. 

I also took the time to attempt to use found sounds, creating soundscapes, and other foley aspects of video. While this product isn't as visceral as what you would find in more professional productions, I definitely learned a decent bit about how to execute.


The Music

The music in Raw Pete is the song Raw Meat performed by The Black Lips from their album Arabia Mountain. Click here to access their website

A Trip About Nothing [New York City - August 2014] by a zugunruhe

Miranda I met up in NYC at one point. We're still trying to figure out why.

The Trip

We had been meaning to get matching tattoos for years. With two weeks in the city, we finally had the time. We settled on smiley faces on our thumbs and found some chick in a Brooklyn night market. She did such a terrible job that our tattoo are now what I like to call a "reverse pirate" as only an eye is left.


0:00 - 0:42 - Snapchat intro



1:24 - vocals matching up to HO99O9


1:44 - The dancing



2:20 - *~* NyC *~*





The Video

Since I'm usually the one filming everything in these videos, I wanted to try something new and have Miranda shoot some of the footage. I figured we could both just Snapchat a few things to fit the light-hearted nature go the song. I feel that it turned out just as intended.

Miranda and I were able to relive one of our favorite videos for the bridge of this video. Why?'s video for their song Dumb Hummer forever altered our lives.


The Music

Europe, 2014 [Paris, Munich, Venice, Milan, Turin, Barcelona - May/June 2014] by a zugunruhe

The second video from the Europe trip. This one is a little slower and expands on a lot of the shots that wouldn't fit into the quick clips of the last (An American Goatneck in Paris).

The Trip

On one day in Paris, I spent over nine hours in The Lourve. I killed the batteries of two audio guides and was still finding new rooms the last half hour I was there. That entire experience was ridiculous. I did notice an abnormal amount of people taking selfies in front of paintings, which inspired the Mona Lisa Selfie at 1:01 and all of the thumbs up selfies throughout the video.

Later that day I went to an FM Belfast show. I was able to just follow a few people in and walk onto the floor while Berdsen and Hermigervill were opening. A few of the guys from FM Belfast came out an announced that their equipment was lost coming from Iceland so they would perform from some backup files on a laptop. After an incredible set, they ran out of songs and left the stage. The crowd kept stomping their feet and singing until they came out again, so they started to perform the same songs again as an encore.

Fucking amazing.

Since this is an extension of the same trip, more info can be found here: http://www.zugunruhe.mobi/updates/2014/11/21/video-an-american-goatneck-in-paris-and-a-few-other-places-paris-munich-venice-turin-barcelona-mayjune-2013


2:44 - Primavera sunrise timelapse

2:52 - Primavera couple


2:54 - meh

2:55 - "take a pic of my chest"




The Video

This contains the excess footage from the last video (An American Goatneck in Paris)

A little more info here: http://www.zugunruhe.mobi/updates/2014/11/21/video-an-american-goatneck-in-paris-and-a-few-other-places-paris-munich-venice-turin-barcelona-mayjune-2013

The Music