Sleepless in SoCal [El Paso, Los Angeles, Slab City - August 2013] by a zugunruhe

Another road trip video From Ausin to El Paso to Los Angeles for FYF Fest. I spent nearly a week in LA sleeping in my car and attending countless comedy shows. I capped it all off with an amazing music festival. It's the closest thing to heaven I've ever experienced.

The Trip

Slab City map. Click to enlarge.

My favorite part of this trip was the few hours I spent at Slab City near Salton Sea in Southern California.

The city gets its name from the foundations of buildings left behind after an army base, Camp Dunlap, was torn down and abandoned. Laying just outside the city of Niland, the roughly square mile Slab City is mostly un-policed. Leaving the inhabitants to live in a sort of anarchic harmony. It's a beautiful thing really. I was told that the year round population is only around 40-50 people since the summer months can be scorching. Once the snowbirds come back, the town can explode to around 4,000.

While I was there I met two wonderful people. First, Sandi, an older lady from whom I bought a few paintings. She lived in a small cul-de-sac off of the main road. She and her son's family lived in Slab City and I had the pleasure of meeting most of them. She let me know about the set up at Slab City. A lot of the people there, including herself, couldn't afford to live anywhere else. Since there are no property taxes or landlords, the cost of living is extremely low. You come as you are and bring what you need. She told me that there is a small number of people that live there for the lawlessness and take advantage of the freedom. They give the area a bad name and don't represent the true culture of the people living here. For the most part, everyone lives a peaceful existence and they form a strong community that meets every Saturday night at The Range. The Range is a large amphitheater of sorts that holds a bar, a stage, and multiple car seats set up as couches and cocktail tables. On Saturdays, people meet up and have an open mic in what sounds like a fantastic time.

The second was Jake. Jake lived in a trailer just outside of East Jesus named the "House of Spools" (as a large number of spools are laying around the house). I stopped to talk to him as I was leaving the East Jesus gallery. He was an incredible guy. From what I remember, he had a decently high-paying gig in San Francisco and left it to be more free. Outside of his trailer, he had various solar cells step up and routed to a few dozen batteries to collect power. We sat around in his "living room" which was basically a covered area outside of the trailer. At one point I asked him about the cost of his home. He gave me one of my favorite quotes:

"Well I bought this one for around $400, the one behind us for $300, and I got that one over there for about half a pound of weed."

Fucking remarkable. He also told me his plans of buy a few more trailers and turning them into a loose hostel complex for people passing through with prices set as pay-what-you-can donations. Jake also expanded on how he obtained the rights to a large (empty) swimming pool down the road and wanted to turn it into a functioning skate park. A true entrepreneur.

I love that I met this guy. I'm not sure if I would have understood half what I do about the city if I hadn't had run into him. While parting, he directed me to the two large tanks on the outskirts of town, both covered in murals. The first containing dinosaurs with the name of large corporations marked on them. The other, which came with the apt description of "kinda like an alien kama sutra," lay a short walk to the west.



0:10 - Fuck yo' Hollywood Stars




0:50 - Salvation Mountain


0:55 - Tanks at Slab City



1:10 - East Jesus



1:13-1:18 - Dashboard pan




The Video

The first verse I concentrated on showing the up front touristy things I encountered. On the second I wanted to show deeper cuts of the area. Things you need to search a bit for: Sunken City in San Pedro, Slab City near the Salton Sea, various art galleries. 

I used the transition of a pan out to sea from Palos Verde to Sunken City to signal the change in subject matter as well as show how closely these places are related, that there are multiple layers to this area.

The things I was most excited about shooting was the rotating shot from my dashboard. I basically just duct taped a small tripod to the center of my dash and a few times a day shot a long pan of the road I was on. I had intended to do a full 360 degree shot in this way, but various difficulties arose of which I could only solve a few. But I'm very happy with eight seconds I got out of the experiment.

The Music

A DESERT?! WHAT YOU GON' DO IN A DESERT?! [Marfa, El Paso, White Sands, Big Bend - May 2013] by a zugunruhe

This video cover the road trip I took with the Jenkins siblings to El Paso and to the amazing national parks of White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, and Big Bend.

When you're in a car for 40 hours over the course of a week, strange things happen. Some of those things are gummi bear related.

The Trip

In El Paso, we walked around the border shops downtown and made it a point to find the cheapest things we could possibly find for shenanigans down the road. 

We settled on sunglasses, capes (vinyl table covers), and various head pieces. We also loaded up on confetti, which turned out to be helpful later on. Little did we know that everything we bought ended up matching the sleds we were to use on the dunes.

We filmed our wearables transitions while driving out to White Sands in southern New Mexico. Still wearing everything, we started running up and down the dunes looking fabulous as possible. Only minutes into our excursion, we were approached by a gaggle of Japanese tourists who nothing more than to spend ten minutes posing in pictures with us.

I mean, who wouldn't want a photo with this:

Our lives are dope. We do dope shit.


0:26 - Us in awe of our magical high-five transportation

0:30 - Dat Ass



1:05 - Gummi Bear transition



1:30 - Jordan on the cliff


1:55 - Tienen vida las estrellas?



2:10 - The ~Aftermath~




The Video

Pretty standard montage. Since the Jenkins siblings are as goofy as I am, we came up with some pretty ridiculous and corny shots throughout the trip. Mostly in Marfa where we played around on ol' Judd's cinder blocks.

The most fun was coming up with the drivers seat transitions. I held my camera in place on the dash by taping small stacks of pennies on either side of the camera and we just shot what ever came to us along the way. 

My favorite shot overall is the confetti portion at the very end. I knew Slack had a pretty sweet drum roll ending and I wanted the video to go out with a bang. I then wanted to immediately follow that with a humorous shot of the aftermath. I love the idea of countering a scene of exuberance with one of utter normalcy. Which, on a road trip as long as this one, was common place.

The Music

Lamb/Lion [San Francisco, Austin - March 2013] by a zugunruhe

This video covers my time with Diana in San Francisco and my return to Austin with no sleep for SXSW in 2013.

Half Bay Area, half SXSW. Half lamb, half lion. This is when I fell in love with the Marin Headlands. 

My first video in 1080p since my LX5 bit the dust (literally) in the desert outside of Dubai a few months earlier.

The Trip

I snuck on to the convention floor thanks to a badge a friend of mine found on the ground from last year. The exact words used were "Hey Adam! You're white. You use this."

In the small amount of time I had inside, I encountered two lovely ladies promoting a conferencing/telecommuting whatchamadilly and traveling around with remote controlled bodies. I talked to them for a bit while they pitched their product. At one point they started talking to each other and decided to do a photo booth just down the aisle.

So I did what any self-respecting man would do, I went into a photo booth with them and proceeded to lightly grind on one.



0:33 - This guy



0:43 - Robits 



0:48 - This guy


1:03 - Narduwar rising out of the crowd


1:12 - This guy



1:55 - Cafe Tacuba pressing the recap button


2:21 - This guy




The Video

I love that I finally was able to use a Mae Shi song for a video.

Part trip montage, part SXSW recap. Since I divided the week between the two places, I wanted to mesh the two together as if they were a seamless experience. The video starts out SF heavy and slowly moves to solid SXSW. The Marin Headlands shots pretty much shot themselves. That stretch of land is absolutely gorgeous.

The recap shots from around 1:55 (Triggered by Cafe Tacuba) to the end are my favorites.

The Music