NYC 4/LA 1: The *~*BiCoAStaL*~* Era
Life is wild.
Getting back to NYC in January was bittersweet. Reconnecting at the Greenpoint Gallery is always a treat and Brooklyn is far from the worst place to be. But there was a general uneasiness in me being back in the city. I love taking chances and learning new topographies. Being surprised around every corner is something I live for. I had become addicted to being in situations where I understand nothing.
Many things conspired to me leaving for Los Angeles but it was a welcome change. Mostly because I was able to eat my own words about the city after speaking so poorly of the it while living in Austin. I used the opportunity to see things in a new light. Not only through photographing the insane sunlight in Southern California, but through the people I’ve met, the architecture I’ve stood in, and the general awareness I’ve gained through trying something new.
The last thing I expected was to photograph the poet laureate of Gucci and his lady during a choral arrangement of a Beatles song.
This year I whittled down my gear to one body and one lens. An all manual focus 40mm f/1.2 and very capable full-frame mirrorless. While this limits how I’m able to produce, it frees me from thinking in any other capacity. I can see most shots before I pull out my camera. Because of the sheer amount of shooting I did the last few months of 2018, I know exactly how certain parts of the day will look, how much contrasting sunlight I will need to create shapes with shadows, and where to stand in a DIY space to get the most dramatic shots from one florescent bulb on the wall.
I’m not huge on talking at length with the shots I take, but I believe the last year has allowed me to take serious steps towards much more dynamic photography than I have before. I’m beginning to feel proud of my work and I hope you guys dig it.
Also, how the fuck has it not rained in LA in three months?